The PACOBO Logistics Center has been in the international road and rail freight market since 1991. We have extensive experience in transporting both standard and non-standard loads.

Railway transportation:
- conventional and extraordinary shipments;
- bulk cereals and industrial raw materials;
- dangerous goods;
- containers and vehicles.
Logistic Center services:
- transshipment from 1435 mm railway wagons to 1520 mm gauge railway wagons or onto trucks;
- export, import and transit customs administration;
- storage services.
Provision of railway wagons:
- covered and open wagons;
- grain transport wagons;
- vehicle carrier and other specially built wagons.
our services
- provision of car transportation wagons with a gauge of 1435 mm;
- transshipment of vehicles from railway wagons to road transport vehicles;
- storage in a temporary or customs warehouse;
- export, import and transit customs administration.
- The PACOBO Logistics Center offers services related to the transshipment of cargo transported by rail and road: from wagons with a gauge of 1435 mm to 1520 mm railway wagons or trucks or in the opposite direction. Palletised, sacked or big-bag loads, paper rolls, containers, heavy or oversized consignments and equipment, vehicles, grain and bulk goods, dangerous and other types of cargo requiring special handling are loaded and stored on our premises.
- Our Logistics Center also offers additional services of a complementary nature: the acquisition of permits for the transport of phytosanitary and oversized loads, the technical development of loading and fixing systems, the provision of customs guarantees, and full-scale export-import and transit customs administration.
Year of Establishment

Vasyl Palko
Director, PACOBO LLC
logistic center: 48.4372482161381, 22.183881902981575
pacobo office: 48.4315618182647, 22.20754956241979